Patient Information About Consent

Patient information about consent 

What is consent? 
Consent is the process by which you give permission to a health professional to provide your care and treatment. It may be implied (offering your arm for a blood pressure reading) or formal (signing a formal consent form for an operation). 
In either case your consent must be given voluntarily and you must have all the information you need to make a decision. This includes what the procedure or treatment involves, the benefits and risks, the details of any alternative treatments and what may happen if the procedure or treatment does not go ahead. 
How do I give consent? 
Consent is a two way process between you and your health professional. It is a chance for you to ask any questions, and for the health professional to explain what your procedure will involve. 
It is this establishments policy that consent will be recorded on a consent form. The form enables the health professional to record the different aspects involved in consent and allows you to sign to show you agree. The form alone does not prove consent but it does confirm your joint discussion. 
Where a child or young person cannot give consent for themselves, someone with parental responsibility must sign the form on their behalf.  Please ask your health professional for advice and for further information. 
Explaining the consent form  The procedure: benefits, risks and alternatives 
Your health professional will explain the treatment to you, in particular the intended benefits of the process, any risks involved, any available alternatives and the alternative of not having the treatment. 
You may be offered an information leaflet about your treatment. Where applicable, we will also give you a copy of the consent form to read in advance of your treatment. If you have not had a copy, please ask us. 
Important things you need to know 
Patient choice is an important part of your care. You have the right to change your mind at any time, even after giving consent, and even if the treatment has started (as long as it is safe and practical to do so).  
We are unable to guarantee that the same person will see you each time you visit the clinic . However, the person undertaking and reviewing the treatment will have the relevant experience. 
All information we hold about you is stored under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. We will collect and use data about you as described in the attached policy.  
The Consent Form 
Signed consent forms are kept with your medical records. If you would like a copy, please ask your health professional. 
Privacy and Dignity 
We are committed to treating all patients with privacy and dignity in a safe, clean and comfortable environment.